31.   At an AFL-CIO meeting in February, labor leaders pressed Gore to move forward with the promised rules.

32.   At the convention, many labor leaders were reluctant to discuss the wintry negotiating climate, fearing that acknowledging it could give management an advantage in bargaining.

33.   At the same time, some labor leaders praised Joyce for having the courage to speak his conscience and stray from the official line.

34.   Baseball labor leader Don Fehr has complained bitterly that the players are merely pawns in what is really a battle between rival ownership factions.

35.   Before failing as a husband and as a businessman he had some modest success as a police officer, beating up student dissidents and labor leaders.

36.   Bitter over their defeat, some labor leaders warned supporters of the legislation that they could face union opposition in the November elections.

37.   Bradley also criticized Gore individually for telling labor leaders recently that the agreement bringing China into the World Trade Organization needed to be strengthened to safeguard workers.

38.   Bozzotto, like many labor leaders, expresses exasperation with political complacency about job losses.

39.   A labor leader was dragged from his home and lynched from a railroad trestle.

40.   A lot of labor leaders try to hold on to the past and are afraid of taking big risks to change things.

n. + leader >>共 405
opposition 18.50%
rebel 10.85%
business 9.49%
world 5.93%
community 3.26%
government 3.05%
industry 2.47%
labor 2.27%
team 1.91%
faction 1.86%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
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