31.   The accountant for Queen Elizabeth II said Wednesday that reduced use of the luxury nine-carriage Royal Train was making it increasingly hard to justify its existence.

32.   The Borg justify their existence by absorbing cultures and knowledge, then using it to absorb some more.

33.   The Commerce Ministry, responsible for the list, will have to justify its existence.

34.   They will not give up because one report says the dam is not worth the investment.The Irrigation Department needs to build more dams to justify its existence.

35.   She told reporters Thursday, she had nothing to do with the creation of the database, although she justified its existence.

36.   The court had to justify its existence.

v. + existence >>共 201
deny 19.36%
confirm 8.58%
acknowledge 7.07%
prove 3.71%
owe 3.36%
threaten 3.27%
reveal 3.18%
justify 3.18%
doubt 1.77%
disclose 1.77%
justify + n. >>共 851
action 4.64%
decision 2.74%
mean 2.56%
price 2.22%
cost 2.08%
shooting 1.63%
use 1.53%
expense 1.42%
attack 1.32%
existence 1.25%
每页显示:    共 36