31.   His positions on economics and judicial appointments hew firmly to the conservative line.

32.   Holding up judicial appointments to make partisan mischief has become a standard political practice.

33.   In addition, the judicial appointment process is virtually closed to the public.

34.   In January, at a news conference in Iowa, Bush struggled a bit when asked about abortion and judicial appointments.

35.   In January, at a press conference in Iowa, Bush struggled a bit when asked about abortion and judicial appointments.

36.   In recent years Ashcroft was a ringleader in the effort to block confirmation of well-qualified moderates whom President Clinton nominated for judicial appointment.

37.   In its place, Dole said he would appoint a panel of police, prosecutors, crime victims, legal scholars and others to review judicial appointments.

38.   In this election year, most judicial appointments have been delayed in Congress by political infighting.

39.   It is critical that Democrats and Republican moderates use every weapon at their disposal to force Bush and his Senate allies to a position of moderation on judicial appointments.

a. + appointment >>共 372
new 9.44%
cabinet 7.67%
judicial 4.92%
political 2.92%
first 2.80%
recent 2.23%
presidential 2.18%
key 2.18%
medical 2.00%
next 2.00%
judicial + n. >>共 580
system 12.12%
source 8.46%
official 7.08%
authority 5.34%
review 4.55%
inquiry 3.53%
process 2.97%
investigation 2.31%
nominee 2.19%
police 2.03%
appointment 1.60%
每页显示:    共 85