31.   Jiang said nothing startling about Tiananmen in reply, only that stability today would not have been possible without an iron fist then.

32.   Mindful of the explosive role that mystical movements have played in toppling weakened rulers at transitional periods throughout Chinese history, the government has responded with an iron fist.

33.   Moreover, say observers inside Israel and the West Bank alike, the iron fist is no guarantee that life will be secure.

34.   Parcells ruled by iron fist and vituperative tongue, in the way he approached the game, his players, other Patriots personnel, and especially the media.

35.   Powers is a blunt-spoken conservative who ruled the party with an iron fist and valued party loyalty above all.

36.   Second is the Lebanon model, where you have a soft partition under an iron fist.

37.   She has a reputation for running her courtroom with an iron fist and has imposed a gag order barring participants from talking.

38.   Sharon knows that if he really brings down an iron fist, he will be blamed for turning Gaza into Kosovo.

39.   Such words from a uniformed officer would have been unimaginable when Suharto, a former military man, ruled with an iron fist.

40.   The company ruled the video game world with an iron fist.

n. + fist >>共 19
iron 77.69%
time 4.96%
cloth 2.48%
steel 1.65%
velvet 1.65%
baby 0.83%
country 0.83%
do 0.83%
fear 0.83%
foam-rubber 0.83%
iron + n. >>共 451
bar 12.76%
ore 6.20%
fist 4.32%
rod 3.58%
shot 3.44%
play 2.98%
gate 2.66%
grip 2.30%
fence 2.25%
deficiency 1.88%
每页显示:    共 93