31.   Confusion about the information highway -- a term as evocative as it is vague -- extends far beyond the sidewalks of New York.

32.   Critics may warn that the much-vaunted information highway is being reduced to just another means of moving products.

33.   Exon says he is only trying to make the information highway safer for kids.

34.   For Barry, the information highway has been a boon and curse for a world that might not be quite ready to deal with this burgeoning technology.

35.   Four days before Christmas, a young woman named Susan sat down at her computer, typed the following message and sent it out on the information highway.

36.   For hockey, Trakus will give the information highway both a right and left wing.

37.   Hank Leingang, chief information officer of Viacom Inc., says IBM seems to be taking a sensible, step-by-step approach to software for the information highway.

38.   He believes that for musicians, artists and film makers, all connections will eventually lead to the information highway.

39.   He spoke of a Britain in which every school, hospital and library is wired onto the information highway, and every child is provided with a laptop computer.

40.   Henceforth virtually every document on the information highway must be considered suspect.

n. + highway >>共 108
information 30.15%
two-lane 11.24%
four-lane 10.49%
north-south 4.68%
desert 3.75%
mountain 3.00%
six-lane 2.62%
toll 2.43%
airport 1.87%
seaside 1.69%
information + n. >>共 678
technology 12.91%
service 5.79%
system 5.49%
age 3.74%
superhighway 3.66%
minister 3.59%
highway 2.40%
officer 2.29%
center 2.19%
company 1.98%
每页显示:    共 160