31.   When Tikhomirov issued his ultimatum, the accord already was falling apart because Russian troops were largely ignoring a deadline to remove their checkpoints.

32.   Women in Indian-controlled Kashmir ignored a deadline Monday by an Islamic militant group demanding that they wear a head-to-toe cloak and veil.

33.   But DPIK spokesman Mustafa Amin said his group was determined to resist the Iranian offensive and would ignore the deadline to leave Koi Sanjaq.

34.   But the government and management warned of tough action if strikers ignored a work-or-be-sacked deadline on Monday morning.

35.   US President Bill Clinton has committed himself to seeking the lifting of the UN arms embargo if the Serbs ignore his deadline to accept the peace plan.

36.   Romario ignored the deadline in order to extend his holiday after helping Brazil to victory in the USA World Cup in July.

37.   Sporadic explosions and gunfire were reported throughout the morning and early afternoon as the Arabs ignored a deadline to surrender.

v. + deadline >>共 193
meet 21.74%
extend 16.57%
set 14.70%
miss 9.45%
face 3.31%
have 2.88%
give 2.46%
impose 1.82%
beat 1.57%
ignore 1.57%
ignore + n. >>共 1593
warning 4.98%
order 3.33%
call 2.32%
advice 2.11%
fact 1.97%
request 1.89%
plea 1.88%
question 1.78%
demand 1.66%
appeal 1.55%
deadline 0.49%
每页显示:    共 37