31.   The mullahs, the older Pashtun say, filled that void with an oppressive religion that elevated the fighter clans to holy warriors.

32.   The Pakistanis call the guerrillas holy warriors, the Indians label them as terrorists.

33.   The poster calls him a holy warrior.

34.   The self-described holy warriors occupy a world in which dreams are omens.

35.   The Taliban were battle-hardened holy warriors prepared to fight western infidels to the death.

36.   The sites for induction and initial indoctrination of the future holy warriors were modest and humdrum.

37.   They moved against various mujahedeen factions that had long lost their holy warrior halo and become corrupt warlords.

38.   They see themselves as holy warriors fighting a patriotic battle against an enemy they describe as the tool of Pakistan, Britain and the United States.

39.   They were inspired by the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan to the mujahadeen or Islamic holy warriors.

40.   To be sure, the holy warriors often brought traditional techniques to the table.

a. + warrior >>共 381
holy 7.19%
islamic 5.20%
old 4.76%
tribal 2.21%
young 2.10%
ancient 1.77%
reluctant 1.66%
afghan 1.33%
fierce 1.33%
japanese 1.11%
holy + n. >>共 283
site 22.49%
month 19.97%
book 11.65%
city 11.09%
man 5.10%
place 4.44%
warrior 2.40%
shrine 2.03%
ground 0.78%
relic 0.52%
每页显示:    共 65