31.   The haze problem is not as severe this year because the fires have so far been confined to Borneo island.

32.   The Indonesian capital, Jakarta, although badly affected by smog from traffic and factories, so far has been spared the worst of the haze problem.

33.   The initial objective of the MoU was for Malaysia and Indonesia to collectively tackle the haze problem but it was later decided to include other areas of co-operation.

34.   The regional haze problem stems from traditional agricultural practices in Indonesia of burning land to clear it.

35.   Tourism also was affected by the haze problem from Indonesian forest fires, he added.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
haze 0.20%
haze + n. >>共 31
problem 38.46%
situation 14.29%
crisis 5.49%
menace 4.40%
issue 3.30%
particle 3.30%
alert 2.20%
episode 2.20%
layer 2.20%
agreement 1.10%
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