31.   In a concession to Jewish parents, the board recommended that on the High Holy Days, teachers not give tests or introduce new material.

32.   If some make bad grades, usually she will give another test so her pupils can have a chance to bring up their grades.

33.   In other districts, officials have given drug tests to any student who brings a car to school.

34.   In particular, Ms. Weingarten said, she had doubts about the charges that students were given practice tests with actual answers from the impending tests on them.

35.   Instead, he says, schools rush through lectures and give tests, and students come away with snippets of learning at best.

36.   It may seem that if the same test is given repeatedly, score changes should reflect achievement trends.

37.   Lie-detector tests are routinely given to FBI employees who handle highly sensitive information and are authorized to deal with other countries or intelligence agencies.

38.   Maternal lineage tests may be given to both men and women.

39.   Members of the group were also given cognitive tests each year.

40.   Next year, school systems will give MCAS tests in history and social sciences.

v. + test >>共 591
conduct 12.51%
undergo 6.97%
pass 5.69%
take 5.45%
fail 4.27%
do 3.54%
carry 3.31%
perform 2.65%
use 2.51%
have 2.06%
give 1.42%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
approval 1.34%
test 0.17%
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