31.   In return, factory managers have been given substantial autonomy to lay off workers and make their own business decisions.

32.   Katsover asserted to Israeli newspapers that violence would increase if Israel moved ahead with plans to withdraw soldiers from West Bank cities to give Palestinians autonomy.

33.   NATO has warned it will bombard Serbian targets if Milosevic continues to resist a proposed three-year settlement to give Kosovo autonomy.

34.   On Saturday, Jaipal Reddy, the information and broadcasting minister, said India will be the first developing country to give statutory autonomy to government-owned media.

35.   Parliament began debating the law, meant to give substantial autonomy to regions, earlier this week.

36.   President urges China give autonomy to Taiwan, Tibet.

37.   President Chandrika Kumaratunga has promised to give more autonomy to the Tamil ethnic minority, but has ruled out stopping military action.

38.   Second, a top leader needs to give full autonomy to his economic team to implement economic reform without structural and psychological hindrances.

39.   Russia encouraged Yugoslavia to sign a political agreement that would give Kosovo autonomy.

40.   She had failed last year to push through Parliament a new constitution that would have given autonomy to Tamil areas.

v. + autonomy >>共 171
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give + n. >>共 870
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