31.   It is impossible not to be deeply affected by the famine, the AIDS epidemic and, yes, the female genital mutilation issues in eastern Africa.

32.   It has also led the drive to have female genital mutilation recognized as a ground for political asylum.

33.   It will be the first case to address the issue of female genital mutilation as the basis for an asylum claim.

34.   It will have devastating effects on asylum applicants like Fauziya Kassindja, the young woman who fled from Togo to escape genital mutilation.

35.   Last year, he compared himself to Islamic women who suffer ritual genital mutilation.

36.   Lawyers for the Immigration Service say they will argue that the fear of genital mutilation should be a reason to grant asylum in some cases.

37.   Lurid details of genital mutilation on Marines overrun by the enemy.

38.   Mrs. Bangura said ending female genital mutilation in her country would require an understanding of some of the rituals that surround it, and even rehabilitating them.

39.   Money itself will not end female genital mutilation.

40.   Musalo also represented Fauziya Kasinga, a woman from Togo whose case established the right to asylum for women fleeing the ritual of genital mutilation.

a. + mutilation >>共 31
genital 48.85%
female 29.23%
sexual 7.31%
alleged 1.92%
physical 1.15%
ritual 1.15%
animal 0.77%
apparent 0.77%
african 0.38%
barbaric 0.38%
genital + n. >>共 44
mutilation 48.85%
cutting 14.62%
area 10.77%
sore 2.31%
injury 1.92%
tract 1.92%
lesion 1.15%
lip 1.15%
secretion 1.15%
abnormality 0.77%
每页显示:    共 126