31.   Loewenstein said he expected the recommended cuts to generate less controversy than school closings and budget cuts of recent years.

32.   No boxer since Muhammad Ali has generated the controversy that Tyson has.

33.   No matter what Parcells did with that pick, though, he would have generated controversy.

34.   Normally the CPSC is a quiet, do-good operation that generates little controversy and attracts little attention.

35.   Not surprisingly, a traveling museum exhibit on this subject has generated controversy of its own among art critics and community groups.

36.   Once again, the Tauruses came a victory shy of complete domination, and generated controversy, after finishing second through ninth.

37.   One reason the Penn study has generated so much controversy is that Jesse Gelsinger was not sick before he died.

38.   Other provisions of the legislation that may generate controversy would include juvenile offenders in the registry and prohibit imprisoned sex offenders from participating in work-release programs.

39.   Over the past two years most Mexican elections have generated little controversy.

40.   Political reporters have tried to generate controversy by describing this GOP convention as one giant infomercial.

v. + controversy >>共 309
stir 8.76%
spark 7.51%
cause 6.81%
avoid 5.84%
generate 5.51%
create 4.81%
provoke 2.59%
fuel 1.89%
stir_up 1.84%
raise 1.78%
generate + n. >>共 986
revenue 6.99%
electricity 4.00%
profit 3.24%
interest 2.94%
power 2.68%
income 2.47%
lot 2.03%
excitement 1.96%
cash 1.89%
controversy 1.75%
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