31.   In further secret clauses in the Geneva accord a timetable authorising full inspections has been set at between three and seven years, according to a western diplomatic source.

32.   A full inspection of the accident is expected to start on Monday.

33.   But IAEA inspectors have been barred from confirming this through full inspections of the Yongbyon facility.

34.   Carter was reported as saying that full diplomatic ties were possible and trade could be opened if North Korea allowed full inspections of its nuclear programme.

35.   The reclusive Stalinist state is bucking full inspection of nuclear facilities that the UN nuclear watchdog agency fears might be used to build bombs.

36.   The Washington Post reported Thursday that the United States was considering imposing gradual sanctions against North Korea if it continued to refuse full inspections of its nuclear facilities.

37.   Transport and Housing Minister Gilles de Robien called for a full inspection of elevators in all housing estates following the death on Sunday of Bilal Wahibi.

38.   US President Bill Clinton on Saturday threatened North Korea with United Nations sanctions to force Pyongyang to allow full inspection of its suspected nuclear-arms program.

39.   Transport and Housing Minister Gilles de Robien on Tuesday ordered a full inspection of elevators in all housing estates.

40.   North Korea reiterated Saturday it might allow full inspections at a suspect nuclear plant if Washington agreed to a package deal on the nuclear standoff.

a. + inspection >>共 496
international 6.26%
closer 5.59%
routine 4.61%
new 3.45%
on-site 2.74%
regular 2.33%
close 2.18%
visual 2.06%
nuclear 1.91%
full 1.84%
full + n. >>共 1075
day 2.19%
year 2.08%
control 1.63%
season 1.47%
support 1.42%
strength 1.38%
swing 1.30%
recovery 1.26%
force 1.17%
range 1.16%
inspection 0.16%
每页显示:    共 49