31.   Therefore, as the front approaches Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands it should bring only some clouds and isolated showers by Thursday night.

n. + approach >>共 1004
man 3.80%
company 1.94%
deadline 1.89%
woman 1.80%
officer 1.58%
people 1.55%
police 1.46%
wave 1.44%
reporter 1.41%
storm 1.32%
front 0.87%
front + v. >>共 241
be 16.37%
move 5.62%
bring 4.30%
approach 3.70%
stall 2.75%
push 2.75%
remain 2.27%
become 2.15%
have 1.67%
reach 1.55%
每页显示:    共 31