31.   To form a government Netanyahu will need to persuade smaller parties to join his Likud-led party.

32.   Traders said investors remain concerned about whether a new government can be formed without calling early elections, and stocks are moving on light trading levels.

33.   To form a government they would need the support of one or both of the smaller left-of-center parties.

34.   Under the agreement, Agha will serve as governor and Naqibullah will serve as his assistant until a new government is formed.

35.   Weekend news reports quoted Popular Party leader Jose Maria Aznar as saying a coalition government would be formed by mid-April.

36.   While rival parties vie to form a government, business leaders fear the five-year-old drive to open up the economy may stall.

37.   When the new government was formed last May, he said, people suddenly realized that they had to have some arrangement for intergovernmental relations.

38.   Yet until a government is formed and a clear agenda is set, the political and economic uncertainty will continue, analysts said.

39.   Yilmaz is serving as a lame duck until a new government can be formed, but his designated successor, Bulent Ecevit, holds the same view.

40.   President George W. Bush has urged the opposition not to take Kabul, the capital, before a new, broad-based government could be formed.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
form + n. >>共 471
government 13.11%
committee 8.49%
group 4.56%
company 3.98%
coalition 3.82%
commission 3.34%
alliance 3.08%
team 2.12%
party 1.54%
cabinet 1.17%
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