31.   But the BJP agenda would depend on how many seats it wins in Parliament and what alliances it must form in a coalition.

32.   Center Party leader Anne Enger Lahnstein also said she believed a viable alliance could be formed.

33.   He also said no alliances have been formed, but Dostum is insisting on negotiations involving all parties in the conflict.

34.   Hormel and GM have formed an alliance for further research, and the automaker has given Hormel an exclusive license to market and sell the product, Johnson said.

35.   If the polls prove correct, Ecevit would still have to form alliances with rival parties to rule.

36.   Local advertising agencies Spa Advertising and Far East Advertising have formed an alliance aimed at expanding into Indochina, the newly-formed entity announced yesterday.

37.   Long-term, the overall growth of minority populations makes the country more diverse and could give minorities more power if they can form alliances and push for common goals.

38.   Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said such cooperation is necessary to compete on a worldwide basis and noted that other, similar alliances could be formed.

39.   Rabbani and Massood have formed an alliance with a former communist, Rashid Dostum, a powerful ethnic Uzbek warlord.

40.   The alliance was formed in February by American Airlines, British Airways and three other airlines to cooperate on marketing, ticketing and frequent flyer deals.

v. + alliance >>共 403
join 11.35%
forge 8.96%
announce 4.55%
seek 4.18%
have 3.45%
form 2.66%
make 2.57%
create 2.30%
build 1.98%
expand 1.88%
form + n. >>共 471
government 13.11%
committee 8.49%
group 4.56%
company 3.98%
coalition 3.82%
commission 3.34%
alliance 3.08%
team 2.12%
party 1.54%
cabinet 1.17%
每页显示:    共 58