31.   State-run RTS television repeatedly broadcast statements from Yugoslav ministers insisting it was safe for Serbs to return and that the international forces would protect them.

32.   State-run RTS television repeatedly broadcast government statements insisting it was safe for Serbs to return and that the allied forces would protect them.

33.   The committee was formed last year and initially appealed for an international force to protect relief corridors to Rwandan refugees in eastern Zaire.

34.   The British have also provided military backing to struggling U.N. peacekeeping forces protecting the capital and a number of major towns.

35.   The Iranians, who oppose the presence of U.S. and other foreign forces in the strategic waterway, want a regional force to protect it.

36.   The force also would protect aid workers providing food and medical assistance to the refugees.

37.   The government dismissed the threat, saying its forces were protecting the dam.

38.   The Palestinians are making another attempt at getting the United Nations to authorize an observer force to protect them in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.

39.   The security forces will protect U.S. citizens in Indonesia against possible attacks by Muslim militants, a senior general said Monday.

40.   Tierney was shot while traveling in a convoy protected by forces supporting the government.

n. + protect >>共 864
law 7.53%
step 4.84%
government 3.52%
action 2.18%
police 2.11%
force 2.00%
troop 1.45%
precaution 1.21%
vaccine 1.17%
company 1.17%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
protect 0.29%
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