31.   Perry said a NATO force would operate in Bosnia for nine months to a year.

32.   All sides had wanted Russian participation, but Washington had insisted that forces operate under a unified NATO command.

33.   American forces have been operating Predator unmanned reconnaissance aircraft over Kosovo for much of the time NATO has led peacekeeping operations there.

34.   Amnesty said Syrian security forces operate under state-of-emergency powers allowing them to detain suspects secretly and indefinitely.

35.   Ankara, which let U.S.-led allied forces operate from one of its airbases during the Gulf War, is eager for a resolution to the Iraq problem.

36.   Both U.S. and Pakistani officials have confirmed that a small U.S. force is operating with Pakistani troops in the wild tribal region, which borders Afghanistan.

37.   But African leaders were initially skeptical and wanted more say in how the force would operate.

38.   But questions remained over how the force would operate, where it would be based and who would command it.

39.   Dr. Abdullah says he expects agreement soon on the details of how foreign forces will operate.

40.   Government negotiators have rejected the opposition proposal that rebel forces operate independently within the government army.

n. + operate >>共 1111
company 10.13%
group 3.08%
system 1.91%
bank 1.82%
airline 1.73%
business 1.53%
government 1.51%
force 1.37%
rebel 1.35%
doctor 1.28%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
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