31.   But Hatch replied in a floor speech that help should be limited to legal immigrants.

32.   Dingell and Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., who coordinated the trip, expressed their condolences in House floor speeches Tuesday.

33.   For McCain, who is known for his floor speeches blasting wasteful government spending, the Salt Lake Olympics are not a new target.

34.   His string of convention-related appearances ends with a floor speech Thursday evening.

35.   In his last floor speech, Arraras warned members of the majority New Progressive Party, that the constitution was being violated.

36.   Republican Senator John Warner of Virginia asked in a recent floor speech.

37.   Sen. Hector Maya of the opposition Peronist Party condemned the cost-cutting measures during a floor speech.

38.   Smith left the GOP in July with a withering Senate floor speech in which he accused the GOP of having abandoned its conservative principles.

39.   The sources said Gingrich emphasized to the committee that the material for his book was used in House floor speeches that predated his college lectures.

n. + speech >>共 294
acceptance 17.47%
stump 9.37%
campaign 6.91%
policy 5.13%
victory 5.13%
concession 4.11%
convention 3.22%
hate 2.33%
farewell 1.95%
commencement 1.78%
floor 1.65%
floor + n. >>共 404
vote 9.53%
debate 8.74%
space 7.11%
tile 3.95%
fight 3.37%
action 2.53%
window 2.32%
board 2.21%
covering 2.11%
broker 2.11%
speech 2.05%
每页显示:    共 39