31.   But the tension abated when the South concluded that the intrusion by the North Korean ship, escorting a fishing fleet, was unintentional.

32.   Canada had objected to a Spanish-backed provision that would effectively force Canada to renounce any action against foreign fishing fleets in international waters.

33.   Elements among the fishing fleets of China, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan oppose installing monitoring equipment in all vessels.

34.   Governments pour the money into overcompetitive fishing fleets that continue to lose money and deplete fish stocks at an alarming rate.

35.   However, EU nations often balk at calls to reduce catches or cut the size of their fishing fleets.

36.   Its fishing fleet stays afloat partly by selling illegal catches to Japan, Larin said.

37.   Moves are already under way to draw up a regional code of conduct for logging and to increase control of foreign fishing fleets.

38.   So far, years of catch cuts and mandatory reductions in the fishing fleet have failed to stop the decline of several key species.

39.   Stripped of subsidies, the fishing fleet rusted, canneries went idle and quality controls declined.

40.   The Coast Guard credits immersion suits as one of the key factors behind a dramatic drop in deaths in the fishing fleet.

a. + fleet >>共 268
fishing 6.43%
aging 4.90%
entire 4.79%
small 3.27%
large 2.83%
new 2.83%
pacific 2.61%
submarine 2.61%
naval 2.51%
spanish 1.96%
fishing + n. >>共 325
boat 27.73%
vessel 7.48%
industry 5.49%
trip 5.12%
village 4.17%
ground 4.05%
trawler 1.93%
fleet 1.81%
dispute 1.75%
line 1.63%
每页显示:    共 59