31.   The study was largely financed by the National Institute of Justice, the research and development agency of the Justice Department.

32.   The studies are being financed by the National Institutes of Health.

33.   The study was financed by a grant from SmithKline Beecham, makers of Tums.

34.   The study was financed by SmithKline Beecham, makers of Tums.

35.   The study was financed by the MacArthur Foundation.

36.   The study was financed by the National Institutes of Health.

37.   The study was financed by Roper, along with Coca-Cola, the Discovery Channel and Philip Morris.

38.   The study was financed by several nonprofit groups, including one created by the financier George Soros, an advocate for immigrants.

39.   The study was financed by the General Electric Co., which faces potential liabilities of hundreds of millions of dollars for cleaning up waters that are contaminated by PCBs.

40.   The study was financed by the Mayo Foundation and the American Heart Association, and was not connected with Pfizer, which makes the drug.

v. + study >>共 521
conduct 10.69%
do 6.49%
complete 4.48%
publish 3.35%
need 2.67%
release 2.40%
fund 2.39%
cite 2.30%
continue 2.21%
begin 2.15%
finance 1.61%
finance + n. >>共 820
project 8.30%
purchase 4.25%
campaign 3.05%
operation 2.92%
acquisition 2.40%
construction 2.33%
expansion 2.22%
program 2.18%
activity 2.05%
minister 1.78%
study 1.66%
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