31.   Russia cannot extradite its citizens for trial abroad.

32.   Serbian officials have pledged to increase cooperation with the U.N. court but repeatedly made it clear that they will not extradite Serbian citizens for trial by the U.N. court.

33.   Serbian officials have pledged to increase cooperation with the U.N. court but repeatedly made it clear that they will not extradite Serbian citizens for trial in The Hague.

34.   Sheinbein has been fighting extradition by invoking an Israeli law that says Israeli citizens cannot be extradited to stand trial abroad.

35.   Since then, Mexico has extradited several citizens to face charges, many drug-related, in the United States.

36.   The arrest caused diplomatic waves between Belgium and France, which refuses to extradite its citizens to stand trial abroad.

37.   The issue of extraditing Dominican citizens to the United States to stand trial has been a controversial one in this Caribbean nation.

38.   The newspaper Ultima Hora supported the extradition in an editorial published Friday and criticized those who used patriotism to argue against extraditing Dominican citizens accused of crimes.

39.   Under Israeli law, a citizen cannot be extradited.

40.   Under Israeli law, citizens cannot be extradited.

v. + citizen >>共 424
protect 7.13%
kill 3.54%
evacuate 3.17%
extradite 3.11%
warn 2.87%
arrest 2.56%
include 1.95%
bar 1.89%
try 1.89%
prevent 1.46%
extradite + n. >>共 108
suspect 28.90%
citizen 8.47%
man 7.31%
people 5.15%
national 4.32%
leader 3.99%
two 2.33%
officer 2.16%
trafficker 2.16%
terrorist 1.50%
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