31.   Soulier called for greater dialogue and greater freedom in Algeria and expressed optimism.

32.   The advance gained momentum after former Fed governor Wayne Angell, now a Bear Stearns economist, expressed optimism that such a rate cut would indeed occur.

33.   The companies gave pre-merger notification to the European Union last week and expressed optimism that regulatory agencies and shareholders would approve the deal.

34.   He and other US officers expressed optimism the US forces would complete their job here before the joint operations end in mid-July.

35.   He has since expressed optimism that a solution to the diplomatic storm will be found.

36.   The talks were suspended, and Kenyan officials expressed optimism that the rebel delegates would reach Nairobi later Tuesday.

37.   Walter Hewlett, the company heir who led the opposition, earlier expressed optimism that the measure would be defeated.

38.   NATO secretary-General Javier Solana confirmed Tuesday the limited duration of the atlantic alliance mission in Bosnia but expressed optimism on chances for peace in the country.

39.   Rabbani expressed optimism that, using the same strength of will that helped vanquish the Soviet invaders, the Afghan people could reconstruct their country through their own efforts.

40.   South Korea has expressed optimism that Choi would soon be given clearance to travel to Seoul.

a. + optimism >>共 376
cautious 13.20%
renewed 5.25%
growing 4.54%
guarded 4.19%
expressed 2.91%
new 2.41%
increased 1.99%
continued 1.99%
excessive 1.92%
general 1.35%
expressed + n. >>共 129
concern 13.65%
optimism 5.33%
interest 5.33%
confidence 4.55%
regret 3.90%
skepticism 3.90%
disappointment 3.64%
hope 3.51%
support 3.51%
surprise 3.38%
每页显示:    共 41