31.   Seoul will resume negotiations with Beijing later this week on ensuring safe passage for a North Korean defector seeking asylum in South Korea, the Foreign Ministry said Monday.

32.   The right-leaning Liberal Party agreed to support such a revision, thus ensuring passage of the bills through both houses of Parliament.

33.   The ruling party coalition controls a majority in both houses of parliament, generally ensuring the passage of bills.

34.   The right-leaning Liberal Party agreed to support such a revision, thus ensuring passage.

35.   The Taiwan Strait is an international waterway and Taiwan wishes to ensure safe passage for civilian aviation and shipping, Tang said.

36.   When it comes to surveillance, Malaysia and the Philippines have always worked closely to ensure safe passage for shippers in the waterway.

37.   Five minutes earlier, AC Milan star Zvonimir Boban ensured their passage into the next stage with a close range goal after brilliant work by Suker on the left.

38.   Former Haitian dictator Raoul Cedras arranged his financial affairs with United States and ensured safe passage for friends and family before boarding a plane Thursday for Panama.

39.   Banharn said the meeting had eased tensions and that the seven parties would be able to work together to ensure passage of the budget and other important bills.

40.   Bentsen was instrumental in defending the budget before Congress, and in helping ensure Congressional passage after a difficult battle of the North American Free Trade Agreement last year.

v. + passage >>共 404
win 6.52%
block 4.11%
expect 3.18%
allow 2.62%
read 2.52%
urge 2.31%
ensure 2.26%
assure 2.05%
guarantee 2.00%
delay 1.95%
ensure + n. >>共 747
safety 9.46%
security 5.85%
stability 3.81%
success 2.51%
survival 2.45%
compliance 2.45%
supply 2.16%
peace 1.89%
access 1.66%
continuity 1.36%
passage 1.30%
每页显示:    共 44