31.   StarLink is one of several types of corn that have been genetically engineered to produce its own pesticide.

32.   StarLink, which has been removed from the market, is one of several varieties of corn that have been genetically engineered to produce their own pesticides.

33.   StarLink corn was genetically engineered to produce a corn plant that is better resistant to a major pest, the European corn borer.

34.   The corn is genetically engineered to produce a natural pesticide that kills the corn-destroying European corn borer.

35.   The so-called golden rice is engineered to produce vitamin A in the hope that developing nations can use it to stave off malnutrition.

v. + produce >>共 212
use 36.02%
combine 7.03%
engineer 5.23%
be 2.69%
cost 2.69%
work 2.09%
do 1.05%
develop 1.05%
merge 0.90%
interact 0.75%
engineer + v. >>共 68
produce 23.81%
be 8.84%
carry 5.44%
resist 4.76%
make 2.72%
lack 2.04%
get 2.04%
provide 2.04%
withstand 2.04%
accommodate 1.36%
每页显示:    共 35