31.   By contrast to the US position, the European Union took a softer line on the embattled Palestinian leader.

32.   Djindjic, leader of one of the three parties comprising the Together coalition, laid down the ground rules of his future relationship with the embattled Serbian leader.

33.   Embattled former church leader Allan Boesak was fighting for his political life Wednesday in the wake of a damning legal report that accused him of misappropiating Scandanavian aid money.

34.   Mbeki said he was not sure whether he would meet the embattled Zairean leader Friday night or Saturday morning.

35.   Most of those in the courtroom were supporters of the embattled leader of the Indonesian Democracy Party, Megawati Sukarnoputri.

36.   Mussa notably failed to mention Yasser Arafat following the speech which called clearly for the ouster of the embattled Palestinian leader.

37.   Russian nationals in the rebel republic of Chechnya are keeping a low profile following the latest political spat between Moscow and the embattled Chechen leader, Dzhokar Dudayev.

38.   Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, voiced his support Friday for embattled Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

39.   Sweden has been among the strongest supporters of the Palestinian Authority and its embattled leader Yasser Arafat in recent weeks.

40.   The embattled leader has insisted he will not resign unless his party loses elections scheduled to take place by June at the latest.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
embattled 0.06%
embattled + n. >>共 304
president 7.46%
province 5.74%
government 4.98%
leader 4.02%
capital 3.83%
region 3.35%
enclave 2.97%
coach 2.49%
country 1.53%
peacekeeper 1.53%
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