31.   Market-watchers said the drop also reflected general weakness in the market, with the U.S. winter wheat crop still dormant and demand sluggish.

32.   Still, analysts said the drop reflected a general uneasiness about where the market is headed.

33.   Still, analysts said the drop reflects a general uneasiness about where the market is headed.

34.   The April drop reflected weakened demand for cars, computers and semiconductors.

35.   The bank said the drop in assets reflected significant maturities from its investments portfolio.

36.   The drop reflected slackened demand for cars, computers and semiconductors.

37.   The drop reflects a decline in the cost of a wide range of food items, including milk, sweet potatoes, the turkey itself.

38.   The drop in submissions reflects an apparent overall decline of interest by the book world.

39.   The drop reflects a decline in the cost of a wide range of food items, including milk, sweet potatoes and the turkey itself.

40.   The government said the drop may reflect in part heavy rains over part of the country.

n. + reflect >>共 1445
price 3.52%
increase 2.40%
result 2.29%
figure 1.99%
decline 1.53%
number 1.53%
move 1.50%
change 1.35%
comment 1.20%
report 1.15%
drop 0.77%
drop + v. >>共 238
be 36.69%
come 7.50%
reflect 3.87%
follow 2.31%
occur 1.73%
fall 1.65%
mean 1.48%
begin 1.32%
suggest 0.99%
hit 0.99%
每页显示:    共 47