31.   That will be done using the wires already in place and owned by existing utilities.

32.   The irrevocable act of destroying the virus, they said, would make it impossible for future generations to do studies using techniques that cannot now be imagined.

33.   The testing so far is preliminary only, and was done using a small volume of trades.

34.   Unable to bring about Irish reunification with bombs and bullets, they have vowed to do so using the democratic process.

35.   While the bull itself is little more than a curiosity, it was created to show the kinds of nanoscale forming that can be done using the technique.

36.   Among them were newspaper reports, brochures of their ideal vacation, posters of clubs advertising for membership which were done using programs such as Creative Writer and Publisher.

37.   An HPV test can be done typically in a lab the same day as a Pap test, and it is done using the same Pap smear.

38.   And this can best be done using a computer system with a good database.

39.   Ashcroft said audits can be done instantaneously using technology.

40.   Ashcroft said the audits can be done instantaneously using technology.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
do + v. >>共 991
help 5.70%
make 5.04%
get 3.73%
prevent 3.34%
stop 2.69%
keep 2.27%
improve 2.05%
protect 1.96%
be 1.64%
win 1.62%
use 0.85%
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