31.   Chinese protesters head for port after being rammed by Japanese coast guard near disputed island chain.

32.   Concerning the long-standing bilateral row over the four disputed islands off Hokkaido, Murayama told Kozyrev it is essential to make specific progress on the territorial issue.

33.   Conflict with EU-member Greece over the division of Cyprus and disputed Aegean Sea islands are also cited as barriers to membership.

34.   Despite mediation by Qatar, there were no breakthroughs on the disputed islands, which are presently controlled by Iran, the Emirates News Agency said.

35.   DIAOYU activists expect a direct confrontation with the Japanese coastal defence force when they try to land on the disputed island chain next week.

36.   Dozens of boats carrying protesters from Hong Kong and Taiwan retreated from disputed islands Monday after some bumping with Japanese coast guard ships blocking them from landing.

37.   Eight Hong Kong activists stopped in Taiwan Sunday for repairs on their boat en route to disputed islands claimed by Japan, China and Taiwan.

38.   Eritrea captured Greater Hanish in a brief battle in mid-December, and Yemen retains control of the Lesser Hanish and Zuqar, the other two disputed islands.

39.   Eritrea captured Greater Hanish in a brief battle in mid-December, and Yemen retains control of the other two disputed islands, Lesser Hanish and Zuqar.

40.   Eritrean forces took over the Greater Hanish, the largest of the three disputed islands, in the fighting.

a. + island >>共 779
caribbean 8.48%
small 5.57%
mediterranean 5.19%
disputed 4.13%
tiny 3.92%
pacific 3.53%
southern 3.14%
divided 2.27%
nationalist 2.11%
remote 2.04%
disputed + n. >>共 416
border 11.15%
island 7.70%
area 7.22%
region 7.11%
territory 7.03%
election 4.62%
land 4.20%
state 3.64%
city 2.83%
site 2.65%
每页显示:    共 286