31.   The discovery led directly to drug-trafficking charges against Brown, who has pleaded not guilty.

32.   The discovery led to a number of injuries from people falling down during unbalanced workouts.

33.   The discovery led to the abandonment of asbestos as a insulator.

34.   The discovery could lead to important insights about cancer and longevity, with which the telomeres are intimately connected.

35.   The discovery has led to promising gene research and new treatments that thin mucus and improve lung function.

36.   The discovery led police officers to five Mexican suspects living in New Rochelle and Mamaroneck, two towns in Westchester County, N.Y.

37.   The discovery led to an investigation by the Public Health Ministry and the Central Military Commission.

38.   The discovery someday could lead to new treatments for auto-immune diseases such as juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

39.   The discovery could lead to a better understanding of the earliest formative stages of the universe, astronomers said Thursday.

40.   The discovery led investigators across the country and smack into a controversy.

n. + lead >>共 1747
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discovery 0.51%
discovery + v. >>共 279
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