31.   Afternoon thunderstorms will develop along the Gulf Coast and Florida as sea-breeze fronts develop along the coasts and move inland during the day.

32.   All generally agreed that the policy was a noble idea, but that problems had developed along the way with its implementation.

33.   Broken areas of showers will develop along the attendant cold front from the western Gulf states to the Ohio Valley and eastern Great Lakes.

34.   Brisk winds will develop along the coast Monday night, drawing very cool ocean air inland.

35.   But milder winds developing along the front range of the Rockies will greatly modify the phenomenal chill early this week.

36.   Clouds will linger across the Appalachians with scattered showers developing along the west slopes of the mountains as a new cold front approaches.

37.   Clusters of showers and thunderstorms will develop along much of the East Coast from Maine to South Carolina on Monday as a pair of jet-stream disturbances approach.

38.   Clouds and showers will become more widespread in the Mississippi Valley and Plains as low pressure develops along the Texas-Oklahoma border.

39.   Cool sea breezes will develop along much of the northeast coast, suppressing afternoon temperatures.

40.   Even franchise food has developed along a different line.

v. + along >>共 1285
pass 9.50%
bring 6.09%
take 3.13%
sing 1.90%
divide 1.84%
get 1.75%
send 1.75%
live 1.61%
help 1.55%
deploy 1.47%
develop 1.38%
develop + p. >>共 88
in 30.36%
for 9.31%
over 8.50%
with 6.40%
as 5.39%
at 5.00%
across 3.39%
on 3.37%
between 3.21%
during 2.94%
along 2.24%
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