31.   Supachai said China stood a good chance of escaping the crisis without having to devalue the yuan because it has a current account surplus and huge foreign exchange reserves.

32.   Speculation that China may devalue the yuan strengthened demand for U.S. dollars in China and led to a leveling off of official foreign exchange reserves.

33.   Tang said China will not devalue the yuan to boost exports, thereby undermining the exports of Indonesia and other countries badly hurt by the regional crisis.

34.   The financial crisis throughout Asia has prompted speculation China will be obliged to devalue its yuan, despite controls that prevent speculative attacks on the currency.

35.   The financial crisis throughout Asia has prompted speculation that China will also be obliged to devalue the yuan, despite controls that prevent speculative attacks on the currency.

36.   The U.S. dollar was higher against the yen Monday on continued worries over the Brazilian currency crisis and speculation the Chinese yuan might be devalued.

37.   The yen and other regional currencies continued to be lifted by relief that China has pledged not to devalue the yuan this year, they said.

38.   There was increasing speculation by market players over whether China will devalue its yuan and Hong Kong will abandon its fixed currency peg against the U.S. dollar.

39.   The Xinhua report did not say whether Li repeated earlier Chinese government pledges not to devalue the yuan.

40.   There was increasing speculation by market players Wednesday over whether China will devalue its yuan and Hong Kong will abandon its fixed currency peg against the U.S. dollar.

v. + yuan >>共 18
devalue 68.75%
convert 3.13%
exchange 3.13%
protect 3.13%
borrow 1.56%
cheapen 1.56%
depreciate 1.56%
describe 1.56%
expose 1.56%
float 1.56%
devalue + n. >>共 102
currency 46.91%
peso 12.25%
ruble 7.28%
baht 5.85%
yuan 4.86%
real 1.99%
bolivar 1.43%
franc 1.32%
pound 1.21%
dong 0.99%
每页显示:    共 44