31.   An army statement said Yassin was freed because of his deteriorating physical condition.

32.   Angry mobs accused Chinese store owners of using deteriorating economic conditions as an excuse to charge exorbitant prices for rice, cooking oil and other staples.

33.   At a two-day meeting in Cairo, African foreign ministers and other representatives discussed the deteriorating conditions in the central African country.

34.   Authorities once banned ferry services on Saen Saeb canal because of the deteriorating condition of the water, but recanted to ease traffic.

35.   Basketball Australia said Thursday that Longley was pulling out of the Australian team because of the deteriorating condition of an ankle and knee tendinitis.

36.   Both companies said they were surprised at how quickly their business had slumped, blaming deteriorating economic conditions.

37.   But already there is grumbling about deteriorating conditions.

38.   Chief financial officer Martin Inglis said deteriorating economic conditions were leaving more motorists unable to pay their car loans.

39.   Deteriorating economic conditions and plunging property prices have resulted in a rise in home buyers forfeiting their down payments on purchases.

40.   Despite these deteriorating conditions, the food program and other food-aid organizations have faced increasing resistance from nations in their efforts to raise funds for Iraq.

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
deteriorating 0.36%
deteriorating + n. >>共 181
situation 21.88%
condition 10.77%
health 7.79%
relation 6.30%
security 5.04%
economy 4.24%
weather 1.37%
building 1.37%
law 1.26%
relationship 1.26%
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