31.   No showers were detected by the national weather service radar over land or water.

32.   No showers were detected.

33.   Numerous showers were detected over the east, south and southwest sections of Puerto Rico.

34.   Only isolated light showers were detected in this area.

35.   Only isolated light showers were detected over the areas under watch or warning.

36.   Only isolated light showers were detected over the water just southeast of Puerto Rico and north of the Virgin Islands.

37.   Other showers were detected over water in the vicinity of the Virgin Islands and southeast of Puerto Rico.

38.   Only isolated light showers were detected mainly over water south of the area.

39.   Only isolated light showers were detected moving northward in the vicinity of Guanica in southern Puerto Rico and over Vieques and Culebra off the east coast of the island.

40.   Only isolated rain showers were detected by conventional radar on the east and southeast coasts of Puerto Rico and in the northern Virgin Islands.

v. + shower >>共 156
scattered 14.90%
take 13.17%
expect 9.41%
bring 5.60%
detect 4.93%
forecast 3.59%
produce 3.53%
note 3.53%
have 3.47%
observe 3.42%
detect + n. >>共 983
cancer 3.31%
sign 2.66%
problem 2.66%
presence 2.46%
shower 2.41%
change 1.64%
explosive 1.56%
fraud 1.40%
movement 1.40%
disease 1.40%
每页显示:    共 87