31.   The paint is peeling off the sides of the dark red, Bauhaus-influenced home that was designed especially for the Einstein family.

v. + home >>共 422
leave 7.16%
flee 6.27%
have 4.81%
build 4.00%
buy 3.68%
find 3.46%
destroy 3.17%
lose 2.71%
own 2.70%
sell 2.27%
design 0.28%
design + n. >>共 1056
system 4.01%
program 3.11%
building 2.66%
product 1.98%
house 1.47%
course 1.41%
clothes 1.13%
costume 1.05%
software 1.02%
car 0.99%
home 0.88%
每页显示:    共 31