31.   The electricity market is being deregulated.

32.   The ministry has repeatedly announced various plans to deregulate markets, and there are book binders filled with proposals.

33.   The only new agreement on Thursday appeared to be that the two nations would meet more frequently on how the Japanese would deregulate their market.

34.   The new law directs the commission to deregulate telephone markets.

35.   Tomorrow, the Senate is scheduled to take up a bill that would deregulate communications markets, including cable TV operators.

36.   Wholesale electricity markets are now deregulated, so prices are allowed to float.

37.   Yamatane said it is cutting costs to prepare for greater competition after the government deregulates financial markets.

38.   Bush said he was encouraged that the state was making progress in correcting its attempt to deregulate power markets.

39.   Japanese leaders, including Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, have vowed to initiate a broad range of measures aimed at deregulating domestic markets.

40.   It welcomed many of the proposals on the summit table which include guidelines on deregulating labor markets, improving job-training and reducing taxes on labor.

v. + market >>共 614
close 14.81%
open 5.86%
enter 4.32%
dominate 3.00%
hit 2.75%
lead 2.60%
flood 2.03%
reach 1.59%
boost 1.28%
affect 1.25%
deregulate 0.39%
deregulate + n. >>共 70
industry 23.64%
economy 15.84%
market 13.51%
utility 7.79%
sale 4.42%
rate 4.16%
service 2.86%
price 2.08%
business 1.56%
electricity 1.56%
每页显示:    共 52