31.   The violent demonstration followed a Molotov cocktail attack Wednesday night on the Umlazi home of Maria Xulu, an IFP member of the KwaZulu-Natal provincial assembly.

32.   Violent demonstrations followed on Monday and Tuesday with special interior ministry crack units called out of the barracks.

33.   Violent demonstrations followed the attack in which three people were killed and scores injured.

34.   The demonstration followed a rally called by the union earlier Wednesday.

35.   The demonstrations followed an announcement by Prime Minister Zhan Videnov that there would soon be major increases in the price of electricity, transport, telecommunications and medical products.

36.   The demonstration followed a seven-hour rally at a stadium called by the union earlier Wednesday.

37.   The demonstration followed the tense weekend chase of a Japanese maritime patrol boat by South Korean patrol boats in international waters near the islets.

38.   The demonstrations followed others on Tuesday, to mark the fifth anniversary of a notorious massacre of East Timorese by Indonesian troops.

39.   The demonstration followed accusations from Afaq Ahmed, chairman of MQM-Haqiqi, that a recently launched anti-militant campaign was targetting his faction.

40.   The demonstration followed an Israeli incursion into the city in which four Hamas members were shot dead.

n. + follow >>共 1522
move 2.43%
decision 1.62%
announcement 1.42%
company 1.20%
attack 1.19%
arrest 1.18%
meeting 0.99%
action 0.92%
stock 0.84%
police 0.81%
demonstration 0.27%
demonstration + v. >>共 249
be 32.25%
take 8.49%
continue 3.31%
erupt 3.26%
come 2.94%
turn 2.83%
end 2.62%
begin 2.46%
follow 2.35%
occur 1.39%
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