31.   DeLay said Republican leaders left the White House session with the understanding that Clinton would keep all the Social Security surplus off limits and forgo tax increases.

32.   DeLay said that Congress would try to resume its business next week on schedule.

33.   DeLay said the Republicans realize they will have to show results to retain control of Congress.

34.   DeLay said he wanted to know whether administration officials had tried to unlawfully intimidate a congressman.

35.   DeLay said on CNN that he would vote for a fine or letter of reproval, the mildest punishment.

36.   DeLay said private companies could pay for the pictures if anyone wanted them.

37.   DeLay said Sunday that the Justice Department had not sought a court order beforehand authorizing them to take action.

38.   DeLay said the House may take up two measures.

39.   DeLay said the tentative schedule had a Tuesday evening floor vote.

40.   DeLay says he talks weekly to almost every Republican.

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expert 2.16%
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delay 0%
delay + v. >>共 393
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