31.   Your bird is defending territory or trying to meet a possible prom date.

32.   Agha declared that the Taliban would defend territory they still control after a week of retreats across Afghanistan.

33.   After that, the South Americans found it easy to defend their territory for three minutes.

34.   Agha also said the Taliban would defend territory they still control after a week of retreats across Afghanistan, including their home base, Kandahar.

35.   Akhmad said the opposition forces in northern Afghanistan were determined to defend their territory.

36.   As the Travnik parade illustrated, the Bosnian army bears little resemblance to the tennis-shoe, bullet-rationing brigade which initially defended government territory.

37.   Cuba used the same argument that it was defending its territory when it presented its case Wednesday before the International Civil Aviation Organization in Montreal.

38.   Cuba has defended the shootdown with claims it was defending national territory.

39.   Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki said Friday that his country would refrain from attacking Ethiopian positions and concentrate on defending the territory it has captured so far.

40.   Fujimori says all actions have taken place in Peru as it defends its territory.

v. + territory >>共 350
enter 9.55%
use 4.83%
leave 2.96%
seize 2.76%
cross 2.64%
defend 2.56%
occupy 2.24%
control 2.16%
recapture 2.08%
annex 2.04%
defend + n. >>共 1526
champion 8.97%
title 5.82%
decision 4.75%
action 2.77%
right 2.52%
currency 1.54%
record 1.38%
policy 1.36%
position 1.24%
practice 1.12%
territory 0.67%
每页显示:    共 64