31.   In autumn, the days start getting shorter than those of summer and the trees slow down their food making.

32.   Kite was five strokes off the lead when the day started.

33.   Once the day starts, traveling on anything but the first flight dramatically increases the chances of a delay.

34.   She straightens up every night to allow her day to start neatly.

35.   The day started on the main stage with the Dave Matthews Band, the most promising new group on the bill.

36.   The day starts later and ends later.

37.   The day will start mostly sunny east of the Appalachians, though clouds will increase during the afternoon as a front approaches from the Middle West.

38.   The day had started with prayer for many students here and around the nation.

39.   The day started bad early for Gren Anderson.

40.   The day started miserably for Red Sox third baseman John Valentin.

n. + start >>共 1317
company 2.32%
people 2.20%
fire 1.93%
season 1.69%
thing 1.61%
price 1.11%
game 1.09%
government 1.07%
team 1.02%
talk 0.83%
day 0.43%
day + v. >>共 692
be 38.77%
come 5.51%
begin 4.46%
go 3.73%
pass 2.55%
bring 2.06%
wear_on 1.72%
end 1.65%
seem 1.54%
start 1.36%
每页显示:    共 98