31.   The twin pillars of the offensive were tax reforms and a new five-year plan to cut state spending.

32.   SPD regional leader Peter Strieder said another candidate, former finance senator Annette Fugmann-Heesing, had wanted to cut spending by more than the parties had agreed.

33.   The measures will cut welfare spending, reduce state transfers to local governments and introduce lower agricultural and housing subsidies.

v. + spending >>共 10
cut 60.00%
want 10.91%
keep 7.27%
freeze 5.45%
hold 5.45%
find 3.64%
allow 1.82%
maintain 1.82%
note 1.82%
push 1.82%
cut + a. >>共 161
short 58.70%
loose 10.03%
open 4.48%
free 2.13%
early 2.13%
spending 1.76%
close 1.60%
overseas 1.39%
deeper 1.33%
due 0.91%
每页显示:    共 33