31.   The couple have been criticized for the dictatorial style in which they have led the party, crushing dissent and eliminating rivals.

32.   The report laid the heaviest burden of guilt on white governments that made non-whites second-class citizens and ruthlessly crushed dissent.

33.   The regime ruthlessly crushes dissent and thousands of dissidents are in prison or otherwise detained.

34.   The worst clashes were in Belgrade, where Milosevic sent heavy reinforcements to crush the dissent.

35.   They fell victim to Operation Condor, a campaign by South American juntas to help each other crush dissent.

36.   With no more major events scheduled, Chinese leaders have a freer hand to crush dissent without fear of repercussions.

37.   But critics accuse the government of using the ISA to crush political dissent, a charge it denies.

38.   But critics accuse the government of using the act to crush political dissent, a charge it denies.

39.   But critics accuse the government of using the ISA, originally designed to fight a communist rebellion against British rule half a century ago, to crush political dissent.

40.   Dissidents and opposition memberes in Taiwan had viewed Chiang Kai-shek as a tyrant for introducing martial law and a draconian sedition law to crush dissent.

v. + dissent >>共 149
suppress 13.64%
stifle 9.43%
tolerate 8.13%
crush 5.95%
write 4.35%
silence 2.61%
join 2.61%
brook 2.47%
face 2.18%
express 2.03%
crush + n. >>共 518
rebellion 4.24%
rebel 3.84%
car 3.15%
dissent 2.35%
revolt 2.01%
skull 1.78%
uprising 1.72%
movement 1.66%
resistance 1.60%
opposition 1.60%
每页显示:    共 41