31.   Critics fear that the satellites could be used to prepare for war.

32.   Critics fear the changes, especially those allowing locally set rent increases, could increase homelessness.

33.   Critics feared it would give Microsoft the ability to quickly dominate the online market.

34.   Critics also fear the absence of an exit strategy could lead to a repeat of the Vietnam War.

35.   Critics fear a future in which nearly all jobs hang on tourism.

36.   Critics fear it will only trigger an escalation of the war, along with a new wave of internal displacement.

37.   Critics fear that outcome-based education is merely a trendy reform, too weak on academics and too preoccupied with propagating liberal values.

38.   Critics fear that sampling could make census numbers less accurate, especially in small neighborhoods.

39.   Critics fear that this will ultimately lead to the filing of a patent on a modified human being.

40.   Critics fear the ruling could hinder third-party candidates in getting across their messages.

n. + fear >>共 691
official 11.16%
authority 4.52%
investor 3.90%
people 3.87%
leader 2.85%
government 2.79%
police 2.66%
expert 2.60%
analyst 2.48%
critic 2.16%
critic + v. >>共 364
say 36.99%
be 4.71%
accuse 3.59%
argue 3.20%
charge 3.06%
call 2.92%
contend 2.84%
complain 2.28%
claim 1.74%
question 1.46%
fear 1.02%
每页显示:    共 133