31.   Others live with several other immigrants in cramped quarters meant only for one or two people, without the knowledge of their landlords.

32.   Replacing a faucet is not a complicated procedure, but the job can be difficult because you have to work under the sink in cramped quarters.

33.   She said she had adjusted to the cramped living quarters and solitary walks across muddy camp grounds with her double-stroller.

34.   Sowhen co-owner Glynn Willette was searching for a place to move the business from cramped quarters in nearby Washburn, the withering environs of Caribou looked like the place.

35.   The dozen crew members are together in cramped quarters for up to a month at a time, sleeping in shifts and sharing bunks with those on duty.

36.   The cramped quarters of many city clubs suited the young bop musicians, eager to work with the small ensembles that maximized opportunities for experimentation.

37.   The cramped quarters, lack of privacy, lone toilet, monthly cable TV and phone bills and sporadic attempts at home cooking are minor inconveniences.

38.   The players may hate to skate here and the cramped quarters give the league logistical problems.

39.   The rescue teams, working in cramped quarters, were hampered by the extensive structural damage.

40.   The resolution prompted a hurried meeting of the Foreign Relations Committee in cramped quarters off the Senate floor just as members were fleeing town for the weekend.

a. + quarter >>共 285
fourth 20.48%
third 18.37%
first 16.98%
second 16.92%
last 2.17%
current 1.76%
consecutive 1.61%
living 1.32%
final 1.19%
recent 0.94%
cramped 0.34%
cramped + n. >>共 236
quarter 9.54%
apartment 6.62%
office 5.69%
space 4.00%
condition 4.00%
room 3.54%
cell 1.69%
cockpit 1.38%
confine 1.38%
kitchen 1.08%
每页显示:    共 62