31.   The four-day intensive training course covers a range of skills required for effective share valuation.

32.   The noncredit evening and weekend courses will cover entrepreneurship, investing and tax planning, loan and credit card debt management and retirement planning.

33.   The UNAMIR course covered brigade service, law enforcement, administration, forensic science, intelligence gathering, traffic laws, criminal procedures and basic military training.

34.   The course would cover political history and would help young Australians understand the constitution before any change to a republic.

n. + cover >>共 1663
insurance 3.06%
agreement 2.80%
weather 2.01%
plan 1.66%
law 1.47%
air 1.45%
cloud 1.44%
talk 1.34%
condition 1.22%
patent 1.08%
course 0.48%
course + v. >>共 356
be 43.73%
have 3.60%
include 2.90%
play 2.04%
cover 1.39%
start 0.98%
take 0.98%
give 0.94%
seem 0.94%
run 0.90%
每页显示:    共 34