31.   Schuss of K.S. Art gave her a hearing but counseled patience.

32.   She also counsels patience for anyone trying to seek change.

33.   The president counseled patience in the quest for bin Laden even though his remarks may have raised expectations that bin Laden would be taken in a matter of days.

34.   The teacher counsels patience and says the son will soon come back.

35.   Winston counseled patience, especially from the civil rights community, which has complained about the slow pace of the initiative.

36.   Wisely, perhaps, Leader counsels patience.

37.   Others counsel patience.

38.   As the world watched, President Clinton counseled patience.

39.   At the same time, he counseled patience today in the standoff with China.

40.   But he counseled patience.

v. + patience >>共 116
have 25.57%
lose 21.50%
show 6.38%
test 4.74%
require 4.37%
counsel 3.85%
urge 3.19%
try 2.97%
preach 2.59%
reward 2.37%
counsel + n. >>共 170
patience 10.18%
patient 5.68%
woman 5.09%
caution 4.89%
people 4.11%
student 3.13%
family 2.15%
client 2.15%
couple 1.96%
player 1.76%
每页显示:    共 52