31.   The conflict is also threatening to spill over into neighboring countries such as Angola, Tanzania, and Zambia.

n. + threaten >>共 1571
group 3.42%
government 2.46%
official 2.39%
leader 2.31%
rebel 2.08%
union 1.76%
party 1.26%
police 1.24%
man 1.11%
administration 1.08%
conflict 0.42%
conflict + v. >>共 378
be 29.37%
arise 3.15%
end 3.08%
have 2.41%
erupt 2.23%
begin 2.16%
continue 2.16%
spread 2.05%
escalate 1.63%
lead 1.49%
threaten 1.10%
每页显示:    共 31