31.   If the city wants to promote fluoridation, she said, it should do so by distributing free fluoride tablets.

32.   In the chaos after the earthquakes and Rodney King riots, the city desperately wanted to feel Olympic again.

33.   Instead, he repeatedly emphasized that even if the city had wanted to keep minority contracting goals in place, it would have been foolhardy.

34.   It just makes a city want to snap its galluses.

35.   More cities want teams than are available and politicians are loath to put taxpayer money at risk.

36.   Not everyone is so thrilled that the city wants to protect transgenders.

37.   Now, however, it is the computer wizardry and engineering brainpower behind all those laser shows and thrill rides that the city wants to show off.

38.   Other Phoenix-area cities want to see how the service works out before committing time on their own cable stations, Giuiliano said.

39.   Other Arizona cities still want more baseball teams.

40.   Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik said on Thursday that the city wanted more information and would continue to investigate.

n. + want >>共 751
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investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
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city 0.40%
city + v. >>共 754
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need 1.38%
remain 1.36%
try 1.13%
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