31.   Pet foods that meet state and federal requirements must give a guaranteed chemical analysis of the food and must list ingredients in descending order of weight.

32.   Samples were sent to a lab in Cincinnati for chemical analysis.

33.   So they submitted a tiny sample of the paint to chemical analysis by an instrument known as a Fourier transform infrared spectroscope.

34.   The company makes analytical instruments used in chemical analysis, as well as biotechnology and pharmaceutical research.

35.   The Galileo probe will sample the gases through which it descends, making swift chemical analyses and sending the results back to the orbiting spacecraft.

36.   The scientific magic that allows scientists to perform chemical analyses of objects lying five times farther away from Earth than Earth is from the Sun is called spectroscopy.

37.   The proof, they agree, lies in more detailed research on the fossil itself, including chemical analysis and microscopic examination.

38.   The rover, called Sojourner, can now resume its chemical analysis of Martian rocks.

39.   The scientists also conducted chemical analyses, using chromatographic techniques that separate components of dissolved samples as they pass through tubes packed with adsorbent material.

40.   Zolensky said a lab at Cambridge University in England could have the capability to do the chemical analysis by next year.

a. + analysis >>共 726
final 5.25%
statistical 4.06%
detailed 3.34%
further 2.69%
new 2.41%
economic 2.31%
genetic 2.03%
chemical 1.75%
careful 1.66%
scientific 1.59%
chemical + n. >>共 799
weapon 19.19%
company 6.01%
reaction 4.82%
plant 3.35%
industry 2.70%
product 2.34%
agent 2.11%
compound 1.64%
maker 1.51%
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analysis 0.81%
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