31.   It also makes lenders charge higher rates on loans to compensate for the risk that interest and principal payments will have less real value when they receive them.

32.   Journals carrying advertisements often compete vigorously for papers, readers and circulation so they can charge top rates.

33.   Lockyer also announced on Thursday that he had filed lawsuits in state court contending that eight more companies charged illegal rates during the power crisis.

34.   Many baby sitters were booked months ago, and some are charging premium rates.

35.   McKinley said retailers typically charge higher rates because they extend credit to nearly everyone and incur heavier losses than banks, which have stricter standards.

36.   Most charge adjustable rates for small businesses, which may still face prohibitively high charges if employees are deemed to be poor health risks.

37.   Normally that would mean high rates could be charged to advertisers during the program.

38.   One of those issues is community rating, where people, regardless of age and health history, would be charged the same rate for health insurance.

39.   Pac Bell or GTE will continue to charge those rates.

40.   Private mediators range in price, but their rates generally are less than two divorce lawyers charging hourly rates.

v. + rate >>共 621
raise 21.89%
cut 9.98%
lower 5.67%
reduce 4.27%
increase 2.98%
set 2.43%
boost 2.23%
pay 1.85%
have 1.76%
offer 1.56%
charge 1.14%
charge + n. >>共 1052
man 7.68%
fee 7.39%
people 2.97%
price 2.71%
suspect 2.25%
officer 1.84%
customer 1.74%
defendant 1.57%
three 1.54%
company 1.50%
rate 1.42%
每页显示:    共 94